Cat disrupts live orchestra concert and steals the show in Istanbul

In Istanbul (my city), Turkey, an adorable stray cat made a surprise appearance at a classical music concert.

The CRR (Cemal Reşit Rey) Symphony Orchestra (CRRSO, see Notes 1, 2) was performing in Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall in Istanbul.

Then, this adorable stray cat (a calico) entered the scene and stole the show.

Cat crashes in a classical music concert in Istanbul

Conductor: “Anyone allergic to cats? … Well, we will play like this, then.”


  1. Cemal Reşit Rey (25 October 1904 – 7 October 1985) was a Turkish composer, pianist, scriptwriter, and conductor. He was well known for a string of successful and popular Turkish-language operettas for which his brother Ekrem Reşit Rey (1900-1959) wrote the librettos.
  2. Cemal Reşit Rey Symphony Orchestra is a symphony orchestra based in Istanbul, Turkey, named after Cemal Reşit Rey.
  3. The Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall is a concert hall located in the Harbiye neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey. It is one of the country’s major concert halls, being the first one designed for classical music.


Cat disrupts live classical music concert
Adorable stray calico cat disrupts a live classical music concert and steals the show in Istanbul, Turkey.
Özgür Nevres
M. Özgür Nevres

I am a software developer and also Veterinary Technician student at the Anadolu University. I take care of stray cats & dogs. This website's all income goes directly to our furry friends. Please consider supporting me on Patreon so I can help more animals!

Articles: 107

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