The beauty of the cat in this 1905 film

This is a forgotten short film that was shot in 1905 in France and released in 1906. It is remastered and colorized by the Time Machine channel.

1905 Forgotten silent film (Remastered and colorized): A young girl, an old lady (the girl’s grandmother, probably), and a cat.

This movie has been filmed in October 1905 in Troyes, France, and released in April 1906.

According to the channel, we have learned so far that the name of the film is “Le déjeuner des Minet” (English: The lunch of the Minets) made in 1905, and released in 1906.

What we don’t know yet:

The name of the director. The name of the young girl, and her grandmother, and the cat, of course.

A cat in a 1905 french silent film
A beautiful cat in a 1905 french silent film
M. Özgür Nevres

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