I decided to try something new and prepared some cat pudding (just a tiny amount of) for the mother and the kittens. It seems they liked it.
Here Lotto is eating her pudding. She really likes being served!
And the orange kitten – he eats literally everything!
And the white-feet leopard tabby, number two.
Cat pudding recipe
Here is the cat pudding recipe:
- A glass of chicken broth (250 ml) – no salt, no spices, nothing
- A spoon of wheat flour
- Some goat milk (20-30 ml)
Put them into a bowl and mix them. Put the mix on the fire, and continue mixing until it becomes creamy, just like pudding. Cool it down until it is around the room temperature, and it’s ready.
May 02, 2015 – The yellow kitten eating cat pudding May 02, 2015 – Lotto nursing her kittens May 02, 2015 – Lotto nursing her kittens The kittens have fallen asleep, a romantic Saturday night with my love Lotto. May 01, 2015 – The yellow kitten May 01, 2015 – Lotto nursing her kittens