On August 26, 2018, Sunday, I went for a 100-km training ride, as usual. My plan was to ride to the airport. When I reached the airport, which is around 50 km from home, I stopped to take photos of the landing planes. Suddenly, I heard a meow. I looked around and saw an adorable tabby kitten running towards me, crying. She was around 4 weeks old and was looking very hungry.
What should I do? First I thought ofbuying some food for her. But I was literally in the middle of nowhere – no pet shop or even a grocery store around. And this adorable little thing was crying for help.
I decided to carry her, to the Bosphorus University, Where I work. But I wasn’t quite sure if I could do that. She could try to escape. She could even jump out while I was riding, in the middle of the traffic!
But I had to try. I couldn’t leave her there. I put her in my jersey, then started pedaling slowly. Amazingly, she wasn’t scared. She even enjoyed the journey! She stuck her head out of my jersey and started watching around. A few minutes later, I was sure that she wasn’t going to jump out. So I started pedaling at normal speed. I even did some tempo.
I carried her around 30 km from the airport to the Bosphorus University. I gave her food, and left her there, then went home.
The next day, I announced on a pet adaptation website that I was looking for a loving family for her. In a few hours, I received a phone call. Long story short, this adorable little kitten now has a loving family. Another happy ending.
This event featured in the popular T.V. show “RightThisMinute”:
I am a software developer and also Veterinary Technician student at the Anadolu University. I take care of stray cats & dogs. This website's all income goes directly to our furry friends. Please consider supporting me on Patreon so I can help more animals!